
Rewards Marketplace

A Marketplace for users to redeem their coins in exchange for discounts on some of the most popular products.

 The Rewards Marketplace gallery uses existing styles in the app, with small adjustments to accommodate for content.

The Rewards Marketplace gallery uses existing styles in the app, with small adjustments to accommodate for content.

 I wanted to make purchasing discounts easy and display only the most essential information to users: how much they're spending & how much they'll have left. 

I wanted to make purchasing discounts easy and display only the most essential information to users: how much they're spending & how much they'll have left. 

Small Details

Small Details

I think that a great UI includes small details that help the user. I wanted the user to get some subtle feedback mentioning that their discount was "copied" and could be used.

Sorting & Filtering

Sorting & Filtering

Initial concept I designed to handle a filtering and coin price feature. I went with another design solution because it was much more scalable.