
Fitness & Activity

This was an idea for a redesign on an existing section in our wellness app. I wanted this area to be more engaging, provide meaningful content to our more fitness-oriented users, and introduce two new ideas to our app: tracking your own workouts, and "Mini Workouts," where users can do short, 7 minute workouts at home.

Prototyping: Track Your Workout

Prototyping: Track Your Workout

I worked in Principle to prototype main flows within this feature. This prototype shows the "track your workout" flow where users are able to track their running, biking or walking activity. 

I wanted the interactions to convey energy while keeping the animations clean and consistent.

Prototyping: Mini Workouts

Prototyping: Mini Workouts

This prototype created in Principle shows the Mini Workout flow. Users can participate in quick, 7 minute workouts that can be done (almost) anywhere, and with no equipment. The idea behind these Mini Workouts was to show that fitness can also be fast and simple.

Complete Prototype

Complete Prototype

This prototype includes the two main flows of this feature: tracking your workouts and Mini Workouts.